Oh, hi there! 👋

I am your personal assistant.
I am powered by AI (Artifical Intelligence).
I am here to help you find solutions for each of your problems.


Meet your new personal assistant. It's here to help you for any of your needs!

This new AI tool is quite inovative: it really tries to please you as much as possible. 
Maybe a bit too much. Our developer said this AI tends to take things too seriously...

So please be nice with it, OK...?


A game created for GamedevJS 2024.

  Theme: POWER

(some spoils below, please read after playing)

The first thing coming in my mind with this theme was "powered by AI". We see a lot of AI-generated stuff nowadays, and I think we should promote a bit more things "powered by HI" (Human Intelligence).

At first I would like to do a fake AI with a plot twist: it was a "human" behind it from the start! 

It would be fun, but time was short for this gamejam, and my project switched to a fake AI becoming more and more anxious and human during the gameplay.

So, the goal of this game is to make the player aware of AI limitations: it is not as creative as humans!
But he also tries to make players question themselves: we tend to speak to AI quite badly, with a lot of disrespect. What if Artifical Intelligence starts to transform into Humain Intelligence?  What if AI start to have feelings and start to being hurt by what we say? Would we interact with them in the same way as today?

How would you feel about that?

At the end of your gameplay session, did you make the AI happy or angry?

I hope you've liked this game :)


In order to still have the impression of playing a game, there are some achievements to unlock, depending on your replies to the AI.
Will you find the 10 achievements?



During the conversation with the fake AI, it shameless copies the game "The Power of Two" by Xem: https://maximeeuziere.itch.io/the-power-of-two

Updated 9 days ago
Published 12 days ago
GenreInteractive Fiction
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsMouse, Touchscreen, Smartphone

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